Call us:  01327  811817

Our Services


We provide a wide range of tree surgery services.
All of our team are trained to the highest standards in all areas.
Tree Reports, Surveys and Applications are also available along with the services below. 
If you need specialist advice about a particular tree situation please get in touch. 

Crown Lifting & Reduction

Crown lifting is the removal of the lowest branches to emphasize the fullness further up.
Crown reduction is the reduction of the height and/or spread of the foliage bearing portion of the tree, this can be done to reduce mechanical stress on branches or the tree as a whole, make the tree more suited to its environment or to reduce the effects of shading and light loss,

Felling & Stump Grinding

After a tree has been cut the stump can be removed by being ground into smaller pieces using a stump grinder. The smaller pieces can then be used as mulch or ground cover.

Pollarding & Pruning

Pollarding is a pruning system which involves the removal of the upper branches of a tree, promoting a dense head of foliage and branches.
Pruning involves the removal of branches around the whole of the tree aiming to remove weight, defects, increase light, or re-balance an uneven crown. 

Site Management

From lawn mowing to general tidy up to make your site look the best it can be.

Clear Felling & Woodland Thinning

Clear Felling is a woodland practice of systematically cutting/clearing most or all trees from a particular section.
Thinning a woodland involves felling particular trees to encourage other trees and plants to grow. 

Emergancy removal

Broken trees from recent storms are a massive hazard.
Our professional team respond quickly and safely to get this cleared as a priority.


If you are interested in purchasing quality fire-wood please contact us directly to discuss further.
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